Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ooo new blog...

So I know that I have about 50 blogs all-in-all on this here Blogger website. But I'm going to try and utilize this one to the best of my ability. This is for all-around goodness, not one subject in particular. Yay! :) So the reason for the title of this blog..."Double K" is how a few of my friends refer to my fiance and I since both of our names start with a "K". As for "Bananas", that's the nickname for our little bundle of joy. For future reference, whenever I refer to someone as "Boy", I'm talking about my fiance, not my child. So onto a bit of an update.

This is "Bananas". He was born on May 9, 2011 at 1:13am.
He weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 19.5in long.
He was 1hr and 13mins away from being born on Mothers Day.
My mom and I spent Mother's Day in the labor room. :P

I woke up at 6am to my water breaking, called the hospital, took a shower, and then headed into the birthing center. I was admitted about an hour after arriving there and was put into the Labor/Delivery room. Even though my water had broke, I wasn't really experiencing contractions and wasn't progressing. They decided to pump me with Pitocin to try and spur on the contractions. It worked, but the contractions were wrapping around to my back, and after 6 hours of that with still no progressing, I decided to go ahead and get the epidural. I was at 4cm dilation when they gave me the goods, and within 1.5hrs I was fully dilated and ready to push. After the doctor arrived, it took about 6 pushes and he was out! :) The cord was wrapped very loosely around his neck, which was good, and he promptly peed all over me as soon as he was out. It was our special bonding moment I guess! Other then not progressing, there were never any issues with his birth or the pregnancy for that matter. It was really quite an easy journey for me. And I'm grateful for that.

This is him now at 10 weeks old.
He loves smiling, babbling, and grabbing hold of things.

Today is Kevin's birthday, and we're planning to go to dinner and a movie, more specifically the new Harry Potter movie! Yay! Grandma and Grandpa will be watching Bananas for us so we can have a mini date.

But now, I must run off. My child is unhappy! Gotta go use the momma magic on him! Especially since he keeps calling out "Mama!" :P

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