Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fair, fair, everywhere! (IMAGE HEAVY!)

So as I'd mentioned before (a long time ago lol), we took Bananas to the county fair for the first time this year! :) We went on the 23rd of July, the day before the last day of the fair. I know that he won't remember any of it, but I figure the stimulation is always good for him, and he has fun still! <3 So this was our trip:

This was how he started off, as always! He passes out in the car almost all the time! It's nice, but it also means he's not awake for anything right off the bat. He did wake up shortly after this time, however, but I think that was because of the sun and heat. Oh man!

This was one of the cows in the 4H club area. The first cow that Banana's seen! :) Lol. Random things make me happy. Oh well.

We've been the past 2 years and they have this "Rainforest" area where they have all these exotic creatures that you really can't see in the area, some that you won't even see in a zoo. Plus, you can kinda interact with them more. Which is amazing! So here's some of the animals:

Monkey! Who doesn't love monkies? Seriously. Last year, this guy hated Kevin and jumped around in his cage hollering at him. It was great. This year, he had food, so he was content to just sit there.

These guys were super cute, but have always been asleep. I think they may have been nocturnal? I'm not sure.

Perty birdies! :D

TURTLE TURTLE! They have this weird turtle shell thing that you can put yourself in and take a pic of. Kevin did it last year, but this year there were kids swarming all over it, so we opted out.

These guys smell like popcorn! Seriously. They make me hungry!

Porcupine! Their tails are like a rat's. But huge. It's kinda nasty.

They also have a baby crocodile and a boa constrictor that you can hold and take a picture with. Which is great, and the money you pay for it all goes to the animals and caring for them. :) So it's good stuff going on there! This was our picture from this year:

This isn't the one that we paid for, but I'm too lazy to take a picture of the picture and upload it. So I stole this one from my mom. :P

They also had scorpions.
So my dad did. He did it last year too!

And so did the boy.

And holy crap, something weird struck my fancy, and even I held the little guy!
They're weird by the way. They're not like normal insects at all.
With their legs, you'd expect them to be pokey because of the pointy tips, but they actually kinda tickle. Weird. Very weird.
And this is a HORRIBLE picture, by the way. Lol.

We had sno cones, which was great fun. :)

My mom enjoyed the time with her grandson, who was amazingly awake for pretty much the entire time!

Some of our favorite things from the exhibits:

Civil War "re-enactment" board. The boy loved this. He loves history. 'Nuff said.

And someone made Wall-E out of Kinex! Sweetness!


And below is the mom. Who is HUGE. Ridiculous.

And this is my baby! :) He had a blasty blast! Not only seeing everyone and getting to "play" with everyone, but also with all the bright colors and sounds at the fair. I loved how happy he was! Made everything totally worth it!

Next trip he won't remember: Disneyland! Haha. Though it's really more of a trip for mom and dad. We're definitely planning on taking him when he's big enough to ride the rides and remember everything. But I'm sure he'll still enjoy it. :) Besides, these times are more for mom and dad's memories, as he won't remember a thing. So yea.

That was our trip! We had a blast and I can't wait to take him again next year! I love this little guy! <3333

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