Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We LOVE Playtime!

This picture wasn't from playtime, but I wanted to show him in the Huggies jeans diapers that I got in that amazing deal at Babies R' Us. $.25 for a bag of 40? Yes, please! He just looked too cute. He likes just chilling in a diaper and t-shirt, so this is a great compromise! :)


Honestly, how many babies have you met that don't enjoy playtime?
Probably none. And Bananas is no exception. He loves playing first thing in the morning and is all smiles and goofiness!

One morning, he was putting his fingers in the corners of his mouth and trying to talk, which was super cute to begin with, but it made it look like he was trying to make faces, which made me melt!

Then dad got a hold of him to play the favorite "flying" game that Bananas loves!

He lets dad know when he's taking too long by trying to gnaw on dad's hand. :P

And once he's up, he's amazed by the new perspective and smiles and talks to us. Such a happy boy!

This one is mommy's guilty pleasure as I have an obsession with the moose! So when I found a moose toy, I had to get it! He was overwhelmed by the size at first, but is starting to learn how to play with it to his liking. :)

This is a toy that technically gets put up in the crib, but I've just been holding it so he can be propped up. It plays sounds and music when he hits the keys with his feet, and the different colors behind the animals light up with the music. This was his first time getting to watch the lights and everything, and he LOVED it! He played with this alone for a good 30mins before he got fussy.

He loves being "naked" too! Lol. We ask him if he wants to be naked and he gets all excited and smiles and talks to us. So we'll take him out of his onesie and let him be in just a diaper. He loves it, so it's not hurting him when he's inside. And he loves mommy time! It's been hard going back to work, but I just have to remind myself that it's for all of our best interest. Because we can't exactly support our baby without income. So yea. Plus it gives me something to look forward to on those hard days at work: COMING HOME TO MY BOYS! :)))

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